I'm just happy to be here.

3/30 – Stargazing at the McDonald’s Observatory on my Birthday

Fort Davis, Texas
I never said a prayer for Darkness.
Usually I salute the sun like a flare
and swim in the lightyears,
A gold fish that forgot its shadow
even existed.
I’m standing now before
a crescent moon and under
enough stars to swallow time
I learn the word Earthshine
so we don’t forget
the dark sky is alive
the dark sky is alive with stories
the dark sky is alive with stories
the dark sky is alive with years of light
Looking up, my eyes are perform
a timeless practice, ancient and honest
I hold the only person on this Earth
who makes me shine in Darkness.

To be alive and in love with life at the same time
under the cover of night
How a light year needs the Darkness
to prove its still there

I am here in Fort Davis, Texas
with a prayer for Darkness on my lips,
spellbound by what my eyes can see
as soon as the dark overwhelms me.

2/30 – The Morning of My Life

Marfa, Texas.

Early sun
Light overcomes the first night of April
all around me
Every color of blue echoes around you
The sunshine is a silent alarm
The silence moves me to write
I’m quiet in my creation
My wife asleep next to me
dreaming deeply
The glow of morning falls on her cheek
Her half smile, a desert flower
in full bloom
The wind from yesterday still in her hair
You are where my love rises
A satellite speeding
through the stars still can’t catch us
When the light overcomes the dark,
the morning begins and it is time
to celebrate our lives,
and how we are here, in love,
and alive.

1/30 – In the Mix

To be in the mix

you have to be

part ingredient

part utensil

the recipe isn’t even necessary

think about timing and intention

timing and intention

To be in the mix

all you need is all you got

what you and what you are not

the smooth sails and the knots

Look around the sea of where you want to be

Find the spot where you

Run down hill

and fill your cup

with what fills you up

showing up for yourself

is the only game you can never lose

if you so choose

so why stay still?

Why stay a closed window

when the wind

bends the trees

and brings the breeze

to its knees?


One day, I want to float in endless blue
and wait for the music of a whale song.
Take me across the sea and teach me
how the water vibrates with the
song of the season. Let me listen
to the chorus of a wave break
and let the sound take my breath away.
The bellow below the water resonates
and reverberates, traveling across
an ocean of time and changing currents.
A humpback whale bends its tune
through a coral reef like an amphitheater
before the deep blue world. But haven’t I
bent my voice too? Haven’t I
stepped in front of a thousand microphones
with a poem to take my breath across
the room, across an ocean of time
and changing currents too?
One day, I want to float in the endless
blue of a mystery. Call it a song. Call it the sea.
Just let me listen. Let it call to me.


My body is a tunnel and all I see is light.
I trace the breath that moves through
the lungs to the chest to the space
around me. All around me, something
moves. The blood runs loose anytime
I choose to show up for myself. The
weight I carry is bravery by another name.
My body is a tunnel and all I see is light.
I listen to what my bones have to say.
My heart is the strongest muscle in my body.
When my body is on fire, I remind
myself, there’s a spark in my soul, and
light is everywhere I go.


Lightning in darkness
The sky is heavy with rain
All morning, we dream.

Abandon alarms.
Silence is the first song heard
Listen deeply now.


Eventually, we laugh
until the oxygen runs out.
The sound of your voice
disrupts the silence
of the afternoon and grows like thunder.
By the time you catch your breath,
you and I are
breathless again.

Laughter is the language
we speak in between
looks across the room.
I read your eyes
between the lines.

Cycles of joy
move through
the atmosphere
and your laughter
repeating like a record
is all I ever want to hear.


I am a source of sound
a loud blend of Zen
and quiet chaos
A witness of what happened
I make a wave with what I say
My words reach the
green shore of gratitude
My throat is a treasure chest
that survived the storm
I open my mouth
like a message in the bottle
with dry words
long traveled.


Invitations to love come in small packages.
Think of the earned cat nuzzle against the leg
first thing in the morning. Think of the gentle steam
rising off the coffee leaving the palm of the
woman who chose to rise early enough to
make you coffee in the first place. Think of
the sky overflowing with light. Think of the
morning wind bending the trees into
music notes. Think of the day like a jukebox.
Think of the small truths. Think of the
hundreds of roots that live in the soil
of the soul. Think of the thousands
of invitations arriving every day, in small
and simple ways, each with your name,
waiting to be opened.


A voice comes and goes
A thought flows then no-shows
A word stays but the idea frays
A poem is everywhere then nowhere
A cloud crosses the sky like a line in a page
A shape of sound surrounds the day
A song is a quiet kind of chaos
A moment is a door into something more
A door opens only to close
A voice comes and goes
A thought flows then no-shows
A poem is everywhere then nowhere