About Zachary Caballero


Zachary Caballero is a descendant of Mexican immigrants and raised in Texas. Zachary is a First-Generation Texas Trial Lawyer, practicing law in Houston, Texas at Padilla & Rodriguez, LLP. Zachary is also a public speaker, host, and nationally recognized, award-winning, Mexican-American Poet whose poems have been featured on Huff Post Latino Voices, as one of the Top 10 Spoken Word Poets who Speak to Diverse Latino Issues, We are Mitú’, Button Poetry, Write About Now, Freeze Ray Press, and at the 2016 Austin International Poetry Festival. Caballero has competed at the National Poetry Slam 4 times, and was crowned the 2016 Grand Slam Poetry Champion at Write About Now, his local poetry community in Houston, Texas. While attending South Texas College of Law, where he graduated cum laude in 2017, he taught creative writing as a Writer-in-Residence for Writers in the Schools (WITS), a non-profit where he taught poetry and spoken word performance in public schools. Caballero is a member of the WITS Outreach Committee, as well as regular host and performer at Write About Now.

This blog is where he posts his poems every April during National Poetry Month’s 30 for 30 challenge, and other writings.

For inquiries, please feel free to reach out by email at zcaballerolaw@gmail.com.